All Daily local newspapers Satkhira district

Satkhira is a district under the Khulna division. It is located west of Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh. Like other districts of Bangladesh, Satkhira has founded several local newspapers. Below is the list of all daily local newspapers Satkhira district published. All the newspapers in the published list are approved by the Government of Bangladesh.

All newspapers mainly publish local news. The main categories of news broadcast are rural economy, business, education, agriculture, entertainment, sports, etc.

Daily sat nadee
Daily sat nadee
Dainik Dristipat
Dainik Dristipat
Dakshiner janala
Dakshiner janala
Danik suprovat satkhira
Danik suprovat satkhira
Juger barta
Danik suprovat satkhira

website not avelabel now

Dainik Kafala

Danik Alor Pros

Danik Satkhira chitro

All the newspapers in the list are verified and published by All Newspaper Bangla. Then, if anyone has any comments or suggestions about the list, feel free to contact us. Your every opinion will be considered by the authorities very seriously.